
Reklam satışı haqqında /icarəsi Dubay/BƏƏ

🇦🇪Reklam satışı haqqında /icarəsi Dubay/BƏƏ

210,00 $


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Hello everyone! Do you want to sell asset/rent an apartment/townhouse/penthouse/villa in Dubai/UAE !? This is a proposal for sales marketing and real estate advertising. We also suggest creating an account or invoice in AED. The buyer will be able to choose: pay in national currency/cryptocurrency (Bitcoin BTC, Ethereum ETH, Stellar, USDT Tether, USDC usd coin).

Information about your offer will be added to our Instagram/Telegram/Youtube channels and communities.

We also provide info services on profitable currency exchange/money transfers to/from the Emirates.

Necə sərfəlidir yerləşdirmək üçün reklam

Addım 1. Geribildirim formu doldurun və ya e-poçt daxil anlık Telegram https://t.me/s/REALTORAGENT

Step 2. Add files / links / photos / videos about the product/service/real estate. Provide information about the sales/rental object, location, payment amount, period.

Addım 3: adı Daxil edin valyuta / криптовалюты istədiyiniz istifadə etmək üçün əməliyyat.

Addım 4. Gözləyin cavab sizin suala.

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At the top (before) of content.

Docs and Instructions

Разместить объявление о продаже аренде в Дубае ОАЭ Эмиратах

Place an ad advertisement for the sale_rent - Broker in Dubai UAE 🇦🇪

Place an ad advertisement for the sale_rent from India - Broker Dubai UAE 🇦🇪

Place an ad advertisement for the sale_rent from China - Broker Dubai UAE 🇦🇪

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