
Ödəniş hesabları. Biz edirik alış-Dubay, BƏƏ 🇦🇪/kirayə/mübadiləsi


4.000,00 $


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How to pay bills for purchasing/renting realty

Hello everyone! Do you want to buy/rent any assets/propeties/ apartment/townhouse/penthouse/villa for cryptocurrency!? In Dubai/UAE the invoice must be paid in AED. We provide information services on profitable currency exchange/money transfers to the Emirates.

How to profitably exchange/transfer money

Addım 1. Geribildirim formu doldurun və ya e-poçt daxil anlık Telegram https://t.me/s/REALTORAGENT

Step 2. Add a file / link / photo of the invoice. Or provide information about the object of purchase/lease, payment amount, information about the recipient, and bank account number.

Addım 3: adı Daxil edin valyuta / криптовалюты istədiyiniz istifadə etmək üçün əməliyyat.

Addım 4. Gözləyin cavab sizin suala.


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